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Favorite Actor

1. Jason Statham 2. Bradley Cooper 3. Ryan Reynolds 4. Chris Evans 5. James McAvoy 6. Jeremy Renner 7. Alex o’loughlin 8. Liam Neeson 9. Paul Walker 10. Vin Diesel 11. Bruce Willis 12. Chris Hemsworth 13. Dwayne Johnson 14. Luke Evans 15. Gerard Butler 16. Aaron Echkart 17. Pierce Brosnan 18. Will Smith 19. James Franco 20. Hugh Jackman

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Posted by on June 7, 2015 in entertain, hobby, information, sport


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5 Produk Make-Up Yang Wajib Dimiliki oleh Pemula

Baru mulai merasa harus beli produk make-up? Wajar jika kamu merasa bingung tentang produk apa saja yang harus dibeli. Apalagi dengan banyaknya produk yang dijual di pasaran dan beauty assistant yang terlalu ramah menawarkan segala produk yang ada di counter.

Makeup sama halnya dengan baju, bergantung sekali pada kepribadian masing-masing orang. Akan tetapi, tetap saja ada beberapa produk yang menurut saya wajib dimiliki untuk para pemula. Kalau masalah selera dan kepribadian, dalam hal make-up, mungkin lebih erat kaitannya dengan warna.

Nah, untuk yang baru saja berkenalan dengan make-up, inilah lima produk yang menurut saya perlu dibeli:

1. Foundation
There’s a huge difference when you’re wearing one and not! Foundation membantu meratakan warna kulit dan membuat wajah terlihat lebih cerah. Menurut saya, apabila Anda merasa wajah kumal dan kelihatan lesu di pagi hari, memakai foundation akan sangat membantu. Tapi bukan berarti Anda harus memilih warna foundation yang lebih muda dari warna kulit Anda. Ini adalah persepsi yang salah. Pilihlah warna foundation yang sedekat mungkin dengan warna kulit Anda, sehingga Anda tidak terlihat seperti memakai topeng dan malah jadi terlihat aneh.

Caranya? Sebelum memakai foundation cobalah sedikit produk tersebut di area wajah dan bukan di tangan, karena kulit di tangan Anda memiliki warna yang berbeda dengan kulit wajah. Apabila saat diratakan warna foundation tersebut menyatu dengan warna kulit Anda, berarti warna yang Anda pilih sudah benar. Apabila masih terlihat bedanya, then keep looking for the right one.

Untuk formulanya sendiri, terdapat berbagai jenis. Selengkapnya, bisa dibaca di artikel ini. Tetapi, untuk pemula, saya sarankan untuk mencoba foundation cair, karena lebih mudah untuk dibaurkan ketimbang jenis lain.

2. Bedak tabur
Apabila sudah menemukan foundation yang cocok, langkah selanjutnya adalah membeli loose powder alias bedak tabur. Pulaskanlah tipis-tipis, karena bedak tabur fungsinya bukan untuk meratakan warna kulit Anda, tapi untuk menyempurnakan foundation dan membuatnya tahan lama. Semakin tebal pengaplikasian bedak, akan terlihat semakin tidak natural make-up Anda, dan juga gampang pecah-pecah di tengah hari.

Lagi-lagi, saya sarankan untuk membeli bedak tabur yang sesuai dengan warna kulit Anda sehingga jatuhnya natural. Dan belilah bedak yang tidak mengandung foundation. Walaupun powder foundation atau two way cake terlihat praktis, pada praktiknya sebenarnya susah sekali untuk mendapatkan hasil yang natural dan tidak terlihat medok dalam pengaplikasiannya.

3. Eyeshadow Palette
Setelah wajah selesai, yang perlu diperhatikan adalah area mata. Eyeshadow palette, selain bentuknya ringkas, biasanya memiliki 3 atau 4 warna yang bisa dikombinasikan satu sama lain sehingga kita tidak perlu repot-repot lagi memadukan warna yang cocok. Biasanya juga, eyeshadow palette sudah memiliki instruksi penempatan, warna mana yang sebaiknya digunakan di area mana di mata kita.

Secara umum, warna kedua tergelap biasanya digunakan di kelopak mata hingga lipatan mata. Warna paling tua digunakan di ujung luar mata dan dibaurkan ke dalam. Terakhir, warna yang paling muda bisa digunakan di area bawah alis sampai dengan lipatan mata. Pastikan semua produk yang diaplikasikan terbaur dengan baik. Bingung bagaimana mempraktikannya? Tutorial berikut ini bisa memberi sedikit gambaran mengenai bagaimana pengaplikasian eyeshadow palette yang mudah.

4. Maskara (dan kalau perlu, eyeliner)
Tidak semua orang perlu atau ingin menggunakan eyeliner. Oleh karena itu saya tidak memasukannya sebagai satu keharusan untuk membeli eyeliner bagi pemula. Belum lagi untuk memakainya dengan benar memerlukan latihan agar garisnya terlihat rapi. Apa manfaat penggunaan eyeliner? Untuk mereka yang memiliki mata yang kecil, eyeliner membantu memberi ilusi bentuk mata yang sedikit lebih besar. Manfaat lainnya, apabila bentuk mata yang satu dengan yang lainnya tidak seimbang, eyeliner bisa membantu mengkoreksi masalah tersebut.

Untuk pemula, saya sarankan memulai dengan eyeliner pensil. Karena selain lebih mudah digunakan, lebih mudah juga mengoreksi kesalahan dengan bantuan cotton bud. Salah satu cara pemakaian eyeliner adalah dengan menggambar satu garis lurus dari sudut hingga luar mata, atau lebih gampang apabila kita ‘menggambar’ pendek-pendek dari sudut dalam hingga luar mata.

Lain halnya dengan maskara, menurut saya, ini wajib sekali dimiliki. Apabila kita memakai eyeshadow tanpa memakai maskara, bubuk eyeshadow yang kita pakai dan jatuh ke bulu mata akan menyebabkan bulu mata kita terlihat warna-warni dan kotor. Nah, maskara akan mengkoreksi hal tersebut. Penggunaan maskara juga membuat mata kita terlihat lebih ‘terbuka’ dan memberi ilusi bulu mata yang penuh dan lebih lentik.

Cara pemakaiannya sederhana saja, cukup pakai maskara dari akar bulu mata hingga ujungnya dengan menggerakkan tuas maskara ke atas secara zig-zag.

5. Blush on

Selain foundation, blush on membantu membuat wajah kita terlihat lebih fresh, bahkan bisa tampak lebih muda. Dalam memilih blush on, pilihlah warna yang seperti warna pipi kita apabila sedang merona ketika berada di bawah terik matahari atau dalam keadaan kepanasan. Terbayang tidak seperti apa? Ya, mudahnya… warna semu-semu pink yang tidak jauh dari warna kulit kita, deh.

Pengaplikasian blush on paling gampang adalah dengan mengaplikasikannya pada saat kita sedang tersenyum, di puncak pipi yang terlihat menonjol. Dan pastikan untuk membaurkannya ke area dalam pipi, ke arah rambut. Jangan sampai blush on kita terlihat seperti garis atau bulatan di pipi.

That’s it, you’re all set to create a complete make-up look! Kalau produk-produk di atas sudah dimiliki, selanjutnya yang harus dilengkapi adalah kuasnya! Karena, make-up akan terlihat lebih bagus apabila diaplikasikan dengan kuas. Untuk mengetahui kuas apa saja yang harus dibeli, bisa dibaca di artikel berikut ini.

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Posted by on December 19, 2012 in information


Waspadai, 8 Tempat Bakteri Berkembang – Ada banyak tempat dimana bakteri dapat hidup dan berkembang biak. Tanpa disadari, tempat-tempat tersebut biasa kita sentuh di kehidupan sehari-hari. Akibatnya, kita bisa terkena berbagai penyakit.
Berikut ini beberapa tempat yang menjadi sarang bakteri, seperti dilansir melalui Dailymail, Jumat (13/4).

Kantong plastik belanja

Kantong plastik belanjaan dari supermarket memuat semua bahan makanan, mulai dari daging merah, ikan hingga sayuran. Penelitian yang menguji puluhan kantong belanja menemukan lebih dari setengah kantong plastik belanja terkontaminasi bakteri membahayakan, seperti E. coli.

Keranjang buah dan sayur

Buah dan sayuran sangat mudah menjadi layu atau busuk karena adanya pertumbuhan bakteri, sehingga dapat menyebabkan masalah gangguan pencernaan. Tempat buah dan sayuran merupakan sarang dari bakteri, seperti E. coli, salmonella dan listeria yang bisa tumbuh dengan cepat.

Botol air minum

Botol air minum plastik yang dipakai berulang kali menunjukkan adanya pertumbuhan bakteri berbahaya. Sebuah penelitian yang menguji puluhan botol minum anak SD menunjukkan sebagian besar proses pencucian botol air minum tak mampu untuk menghilangkan kuman. Bahkan lebih dari sepertiganya menunjukkan adanya bakteri fecal yang berasal dari kontaminasi tangan. Cuci botol dengan air mendidih seminggu sekali.

Spons cuci piring dan kain lap dapur

Hanya seminggu setelah pemakaian pertama, spons pencuci piring menjadi sarang bagi jutaan bakteri, seperti E. coli dan staphylococcus, yang berasal dari kontak dengan feses. Cobalah rendam dengan air dan taruhlah ke dalam microwave dengan panas tinggi selama dua menit. Cara ini akan membunuh 99 persen bakteri.

Penelitian juga menunjukkan bahwa wastafel lima kali lebih kotor dibandingkan toilet. Sisa-sisa makanan merupakan faktor penyebab timbulnya bakteri, seperti Coli dan Salmonella. Usahakan untuk menjaga kebersihan wastafel, mulai dari permukaan hingga lubang pembuangan.


Kemudi mobil ternyata sembilan kali lebih mungkin menjadi sarang kuman dibandingkan di toilet umum. Ini disebabkan banyak pengemudi mobil yang menyetir sambil makan.

Selain kemudi mobil, penelitian juga menemukan beberapa bakteri lain, seperti Bacilus cereus (penyebab keracunan makanan), Arthrobacter (berasal dari kulit manusia), hingga bakteri Staphylococcus banyak ditemukan pada pintu, roda kemudi dan di bawah kursi.

Bersihkan mobil dengan vacuum dan tisu antibakteri sebulan sekali. Bersihkan juga semua sisa makanan dan sampah setelah Anda selesai melakukan perjalanan.


Penelitian di University of Otago, Selandia Baru, menemukan bahwa lebih dari setengah mainan anak yang lembut, seperti boneka, merupakan sarang bagi tungau debu yang dapat memperparah demam, eksim atau asma. Hal ini disebabkan boneka secara tak disengaja dimasukkan ke mulut anak saat anak tidur, sehingga meningkatkan risiko asma.

Untuk pencegahannya, cuci boneka sebulan sekali untuk menghilangkan alergen. Selain itu, jemur selama beberapa jam atau masukkan boneka kedalam freezer semalam.

Keset kaki

Penelitian dalam jurnal Applied and Environmental Microbiology menemukan keset kaki dan toilet menjadi tempat patogen Sphingomonas dan methylobacterium berkembang biak, sehingga menimbulkan penyakit pernapasan.

Coba untuk mencuci dan menjemur keset kaki setelah digunakan dan diakhiri dengan menyemprotnya menggunakan larutan antibakteri. Cuci dengan air panas bersuhu 60 derajat Celcius seminggu sekali.

Rak sepatu

Rak sepatu adalah sumber segala sesuatu yang dimulai dari makanan, hingga kotoran hewan yang bisa menimbulkan kontaminasi silang. Bahkan jika tidak ada patogen berbahaya di sepatu, rak akan menjadi media pertukaran kuman/bakteri saat Anda menyentuh rak lantas mengambil sepatu.

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Posted by on April 16, 2012 in entertain, information


Bahasa Tubuh yang Harus Dihindari Saat Wawancara Kerja

Wawancara kerja berguna tidak hanya untuk menilai kemampuan Anda, tapi juga perilaku. Banyak hal harus dipersiapkan agar momen yang menentukan ini berjalan lancar. Salah satunya, mengetahui bahasa tubuh yang sebaiknya dihindari.

Profesor Mehrabian, ahli psikologi dari Universitas UCLA, Amerika, bahasa tubuh sangat menentukan penilaian terhadap diri Anda ketimbang kata-kata yang terucap. Menurut penelitiannya, gerak tubuh dan ekspresi wajah memiliki pengaruh 55 persen sementara kata-kata yang diucapkan hanya 7 persen.

Kesempatan untuk menciptakan kesan pertama yang baik tak memakan lama. Menurut penelitian, 30 detik hingga empat menit pertama merupakan waktu kritis yang sangat menentukan. Nah, agar tak salah langkah saat wawancara kerja, hindarilah beberapa gerak tubuh yang bisa mengundang penafsiran negatif pada diri Anda.

Senyum palsu
Masuklah ke ruangan wawancara dengan percaya diri dan senyum yang tulus. Senyum yang terpaksa akan sangat terlihat dan membuat Anda terlihat seperti orang yang suka berpura-pura. Senyum yang tulus mengesankan Anda orang yang percaya diri, terbuka, dan nyaman dengan keadaan sekitar. Tapi hindari juga tersenyum terus-menerus yang bisa memberikan sinyal yang salah pada calon atasan Anda.

Gerakan dan posisi tangan
Gerakan tangan memegang peranan penting dalam mengekspresikan bahasa tubuh Anda. Melipat tangan di dada merupakan bahasa tubuh yang wajib dihindari. Melipat tangan di dada mengesankan Anda menjaga jarak, bersikap tertutup, atau malah terkesan bosan dengan pembicaraan ini. Mungkin saran ini sudah sering Anda dengar, tapi kenyataannya saat sedang gugup masih banyak orang melakukannya.

Menepuk-nepukkan tangan atau terus menggerakkan tangan menandakan Anda sangat gelisah. Gerakan ini secara tidak langsung juga bisa membuat orang yang mewawancarai Anda menjadi tidak nyaman dan terganggu.

Hindari juga mengetuk-ketukan tangan ke meja saat proses wawancara. Melakukan hal ini secara tidak langsung Anda mengirimkan sinyal kalau Anda bosan atau merasa lebih tahu dari si pewawancara.

Sebaiknya letakkan tangan Anda secara santai dan terbuka di posisi yang paling membuat Anda santai. Hindari terlalu banyak menggunakan gerakan tangan atau jari untuk menghindari kesan yang salah.

Jabatan tangan
Saat memulai dan mengakhiri wawancara jangan lupa jabat tangan si pewawancara dan ucapkan terimakasih. Jabat tangan dengan erat namun wajar. Jangan biarkan tangan terlalu lemas atau mencengkeram terlalu keras. Jika telapak tangan Anda berkeringat, seka dahulu keringat di tangan Anda sebelum masuk ke ruang wawancara.

Menyentuh wajah
Menyentuh wajah sebaiknya dihindari saat wawancara kerja. Gerakan ini dapat menyiratkan Anda gugup atau tidak jujur terhadap pernyataan Anda.

Posisi kaki

Duduklah dengan kedua kaki menyentuh lantai yang menggambarkan Anda nyaman dan percaya diri. Saat gugup atau cemas Anda sering tak membuat gerak tubuh secara tidak sadar. Salah satu yang paling sering ditemui adalah menggerak-gerakan kaki tanpa henti. Gerakan kaki ini menandakan Anda sangat tidak nyaman bahkan tak sabar ingin keluar dari ruangan.

Kontak mata & posisi duduk
Kontak mata dengan si pewawancara memang baik. Tapi terus-menerus menatap si pewawancara tanpa henti juga bisa membuat dia tidak nyaman. Ahli gerak tubuh Janine Driver mengatakan, 60 persen kontak mata sudah cukup membuat Anda terlihat antusias. Selain mata, fokuskan tatapan pada segitiga bagian atas wajah yaitu area sekitar alis kanan-kiri dan pertengahan hidung.

Jangan terlalu sering menatap bagian bawah wajah terutama bagian mulut dan dahi yang bisa membuat si pewawancara menjadi tidak nyaman. Jika pewawancara Anda lebih dari satu, tatap mereka secara bergantian. Hindari tatapan kosong yang membuat lawan bicara Anda kurang nyaman.

Duduklah dengan posisi yang nyaman, tidak terlalu tegak maupun tidak terlalu bersandar. Condongkan tubuh sedikit (sedikit saja) ke arah pewawancara untuk menandakan Anda fokus dan antusias.

Selamat mencoba!

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Posted by on April 16, 2012 in entertain, information


Top 5 foods to help you sleep

5 sleep-inducing foods to help you drift off

Whether it’s a one-off occurrence before a big event or a nightly struggle, most of us suffer from insomnia at one time or another. Fortunately, there are many foods that can help you sleep a little easier. To help you relax and catch some Zs, check out our top 5 foods to help you sleep.

Dairy products

If you’re struggling to get a good night’s sleep, foods containing tryptophan should be a first port of call. Tryptophan, an essential amino acid, helps to raise serotonin and melatonin levels in the body, both of which can help induce sleep. While turkey is a famously good source of tryptophan, other (perhaps more bedtime-friendly) sources include dairy products such as yoghurt and milk.

On top of their tryptophan levels, dairy snacks are also a great source of calcium, which helps the brain to use tryptophan to create melatonin. Research has also suggested that a deficiency of calcium in the diet can cause disturbed sleep patterns and a lack of deep (REM) sleep.


While many of us associate oats with breakfast time, they are also the perfect evening snack. Oats are a good natural source of melatonin, which is often taken as a sleep aid due to its ability to help regulate the body’s internal clock. They are also another good source of tryptophan, especially when combined with milk.

Furthermore, oats are rich in both calcium and magnesium; two minerals that have been proven to promote good quality sleep. For a warm, soothing snack before bed, try eating a small bowl of porridge to help you drift off, combined with any of the following toppings to help double its effects.


If you suffer from muscle spasms or cramps during the night, it may be that you are deficient in the electrolytes magnesium and potassium, both of which help to relax muscles and keep them functioning properly. Fortunately, bananas are excellent source of both minerals, making them a good bedtime snack, particularly after a heavy exercise session.

As well as being rich in these essential minerals, bananas also contain tryptophan, which can help to promote sleep. Researchers from the University of New England in New South Wales have also found that having a banana before bed can help sufferers of sleep apnea by keeping their throats open and therefore reducing the risk of choking.


For those who have trouble sleeping, you may be familiar with over-the-counter melatonin supplements used to treat insomnia. However, while melatonin can help to regulate sleep, it may be unwise to rely on supplements for long-term use. Fortunately, cherries provide a great natural source of melatonin as well as being excellent for overall health.

A research study published in The Journal of Sleep and Sleep Disorders Research has indicated that consuming tart cherries before bed helped participants sleep faster and easier, making fresh cherries or cherry juice a great natural sleep aid.

Flax seeds

Flax seeds are great for increasing levels of sleep-regulating substance serotonin in the body due to their high levels of both tryptophan and omega-3 fatty acids. Furthermore, the omega-3 fatty acids they contain have been proven to help reduce the anxiety, depression and stress which are leading causes of insomnia, and have been shown to be effective against the condition sleep apnea.

Not only that, flax seeds are a good source of magnesium, which is renowned for its ability to reduce stress due to its relaxing effect on the muscles and nervous system. Magnesium has also been shown to help prevent restless leg syndrome and night terrors; both of which can affect sleep.

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Posted by on April 16, 2012 in entertain, health, information


5 foods that help you live longer

Increase your life expectancy with these five healthy foods

While none of us will forever, you can add some extra years on to your life by paying attention to what you eat. To increase your lifespan as well as improving the quality of your life, check out these five foods that help you live longer.

Brightly coloured fruit and vegetables

Research suggests that those who eat more fruit and vegetables tend to live longer than those who don’t, due to the nutrients they contain. While all fruit and veg is good for you, brightly coloured produce is particularly beneficial as the natural pigments which give them their colour can also help prevent cancer. The Okinawans – who are reputed to have the world’s longest life expectancy and who have low rates of heart disease and cancer – have a diet that is rich in fruit and veg, especially dark green and yellow varieties. In particular, the Okinawan diet features large quantities of sweet potatoes, having replaced the traditional Japanese staple of rice with this vibrant veg.

Dark chocolate

Good news for chocoholics – chocolate can help you live longer!  Cocoa beans are packed with antioxidants which studies have found can help cut your risk of heart disease – the biggest killer in the Western world. This may be why Jeanne Louise Calment, who lived a grand total of 122 years and 164 days (the oldest verified age of any human being ever) put her good health down to her regular chocolate consumption. However, before you go stocking up on chocolate bars, it is worth bearing in mind that one square a day is enough to boost your health. Also, make sure you go for the over 70 per cent cocoa bars which contain more flavonoids and less sugar.

Oily fish

People in Japan have the longest life expectancy in the world, which may be down to their traditional diet which is high in fish. Not only does opting for fish over meat reduce your risk of many of the health problems associated with red meat, such as heart disease, but oily fish such as salmon, mackerel, sardines and trout are renowned for their health benefits. Oily fish are a good source of vitamins A and D which are good for the immune system. Furthermore, they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which have been linked to a lowered risk of heart disease, brain damage and stroke.

Green tea

Another staple of the Japanese diet, green tea boasts an impressive array of health benefits, helping to improve cardiovascular health, regulate blood pressure, boost the immune system, and lower cholesterol. Studies have even suggested that drinking green tea – which is rich in health-boosting flavonoids – can help to lower your risk of cancer. Research findings published in the Journal of the American Medical Association appear to back up these health claims, as the Japanese study of more than 40,000 participants found that those who drank five or more cups of green tea a day had a death rate that was 16 per cent lower than those who drank one cup, over the course of 11 years.

Olive oil

Many of us stay away from fats and oils in a bid to stay trim and healthy; however, ‘good’ monounsaturated fats, which are found in olive oil, are actually essential for good health. Studies have found that regularly consuming olive oil can help cut your risk of stroke and heart disease, due to its high content of micronutrients called phenols which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. The oil is also a staple of the healthy Mediterranean diet, which studies suggests can help you live longer. Research has found that those who follow this eating plan have a 20 per cent higher chance of living longer, gaining an estimated average of two to three years.

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Posted by on April 16, 2012 in entertain, health, information


Top five ‘bad’ foods that are actually good for you

Five foods that are healthier than you think

If you are fed up of being told what to eat and drink, well, this could be your lucky day. We’ve taken five foods that are generally labeled as being bad for you and unearthed some healthy aspects to them. Granted, they are not foods that you can scoff and guzzle to your heart’s content — but as a part of a healthy and balanced diet, the following five foods aren’t actually as bad for you as you may think.

Peanut butter

Peanut butter is generally left on the shelf by dieters due to its high fat content, but surprisingly (depending on the brand of course) a teaspoon of the whole-nut variety comes in at just 30 calories. So why is it good for you?  Well, research shows that eating peanuts or peanut butter can actually help your heart; consumption has been associated with lower total cholesterol, lower LDL or ‘bad’ cholesterol, and lower triglycerides, all of which are associated with lower cardiovascular disease risk. And, the good news is these benefits seem to occur without promoting weight gain. Try a teaspoon of PB smeared on a couple of oat cakes for a satisfying snack and under 150 calories.


Now, don’t get too excited, we are not saying a 12-inch stuffed crust is good for you but pizza made in the healthy way can actually provide you with a great complete meal incorporating all of the vital food groups. The pizza base acts as a source of carbohydrate, a healthy portion of vegetables and some protein in the topping and then a sprinkling of cheese gives you your fat. To make a homemade super-healthy slice opt for a wholemeal or wholegrain base, smear on a rich tomato sauce, and then pile on the veggies and lean meat or seafood and finally top with a little low-fat mozzarella.

Beer & stout

Research has suggested that a pint of beer could help protect against heart disease, and maybe even more so than a glass of red wine. It’s all down to the presence of B6 which prevents the build up in the body of a chemical called homocysteine – thought to be linked to an increase in the risk of heart disease. And when it comes to stout, it seems the slogan “Guinness is good for you” has some truth too. Research published in 2003 from the University of Wisconsin showed that a pint of the black stuff is as effective as an aspirin in preventing blood clots, and much tastier.


Granted, chocolate is not low in calories nor in fat so generally gets lumped with the ‘bad’ food label. But dark bitter chocolate is very high in health-promoting antioxidants which help to mop up harmful free radicals which cause cell and DNA damage. And if you are looking to shed a few pounds you can use dark chocolate as a way to curb any sweet cravings, just a few small squares to quell a full on chocolate pig out is well worth the modest calorie and fat intake.

Ice cream

Ice cream’s first positive relates to its GI or Glycemic Index; as ice cream is, in fact, a low GI food. This means that it releases its sugars slowly and so can keep you feeling fuller for longer. And for that reason you are less likely to binge after eating ice cream. Obviously it’s all about moderation and demolishing a whole tub in one sitting isn’t going to be good for you, but if you are comparing desserts like for like, 75 grams of Ben and Jerry’s Cookies and Cream ice-cream contains only 114 calories compared to a slice of cheesecake with 511 calories – and is therefore the better option. Secondly, ice-cream is made of milk which contains many essential nutrients and vitamins. Studies show a possible link between milk consumption and a lowered risk of arterial hypertension, coronary heart disease, and colorectal cancer.

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Posted by on April 16, 2012 in entertain, health, information


7 shocking food facts

Seven surprising facts you may not know about your food

Even after analysing food packets, checking out ingredients and swatting up on calorie counts, there are certain things you may not know about your food. Here are seven food facts that may surprise you.

World chocolate supplies are set to run out

It is one of the most popular treats worldwide, so it may come as bad news to many that world chocolate supplies may soon run out. Due to political unrest and dangers to farmers in the Ivory Coast (where a large proportion of the world’s cocoa beans are grown), many fair trade cocoa farmers and trainers have fled the country and chocolate production has hit a low. It has been predicted that supplies of sustainable chocolate are set to run out, and a chocolate drought has been predicted for 2014.

One of the world’s most expensive foods is made from saliva

From caviar (fish eggs) to truffles (an edible fungus), it seems that many of the world’s most expensive foods are made of dubious substances, and bird’s nest soup is no exception. The soup, which is an expensive Chinese delicacy, is made from a particular kind of nest that is created by bird saliva. While many of us would be reluctant to shell out for saliva, the bird nests that form this soup are one of the most expensive animal food products around.

Your food can legally contain bugs and hairs

Most of us wouldn’t class insects as a component of our diets; however, you may be eating more of them than you think and, worryingly, these may not be the only unpleasant addition to your diet. In the US, the FDA allows for “natural defects” by permitting a certain amount of bugs and rodent hair to be present in food products. For example, chocolate products may contain an average of 60 insect fragments and one rodent hair per 100g, while citrus fruit juice can contain one maggot per 250ml.


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7 shocking food facts

Seven surprising facts you may not know about your food

Even after analysing food packets, checking out ingredients and swatting up on calorie counts, there are certain things you may not know about your food. Here are seven food facts that may surprise you.

World chocolate supplies are set to run out

It is one of the most popular treats worldwide, so it may come as bad news to many that world chocolate supplies may soon run out. Due to political unrest and dangers to farmers in the Ivory Coast (where a large proportion of the world’s cocoa beans are grown), many fair trade cocoa farmers and trainers have fled the country and chocolate production has hit a low. It has been predicted that supplies of sustainable chocolate are set to run out, and a chocolate drought has been predicted for 2014.

One of the world’s most expensive foods is made from saliva

From caviar (fish eggs) to truffles (an edible fungus), it seems that many of the world’s most expensive foods are made of dubious substances, and bird’s nest soup is no exception. The soup, which is an expensive Chinese delicacy, is made from a particular kind of nest that is created by bird saliva. While many of us would be reluctant to shell out for saliva, the bird nests that form this soup are one of the most expensive animal food products around.

Your food can legally contain bugs and hairs

Most of us wouldn’t class insects as a component of our diets; however, you may be eating more of them than you think and, worryingly, these may not be the only unpleasant addition to your diet. In the US, the FDA allows for “natural defects” by permitting a certain amount of bugs and rodent hair to be present in food products. For example, chocolate products may contain an average of 60 insect fragments and one rodent hair per 100g, while citrus fruit juice can contain one maggot per 250ml.


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Fruit and vegetables have become less nutritious

Although fruit and vegetables are one of the best sources of antioxidants, vitamins and minerals, research findings published in the journal HortScience suggest that they have actually become less nutritious than they were 50 years ago, due to new agricultural methods which have stripped nutrients from soil. In fact, according to one study, it would take eight oranges to get the same levels of vitamin A as it would in one orange a few generations ago. To make sure you get enough vitamins, try to buy organic produce where possible and eat more fruit and veg.

‘Pre-washed’ salads may be contaminated with bacteria

Many of us opt for pre-washed salads when purchasing our greens. However, a Consumer Reports study has found that pre-washed salads may not be as clean as they seem. The study, which tested just over 200 samples of different pre-washed salads, found that 39 per cent of those tested contained bacteria called coliform, which is normally used to indicate contamination of food products. While this doesn’t mean you should ditch the greens, you should be careful to wash salads thoroughly at home, even if they are advertised as already washed.

Chewing coffee beans can freshen your breath

Coffee may not be the first thing you reach for when looking to freshen your breath, however if you have been eating onions and garlic then it may be just what you need. If you haven’t got a toothbrush to hand, then chewing on roasted coffee beans can help extinguish onion or garlic breath. Other good breath fresheners include parsley or mint leaves.

Chocolate is as healthy as fruit

Perhaps this good news comes too late if drought predictions are to be believed, but research has suggested that chocolate can be just as healthy as fruit. When tested and compared to juices from ‘superfruits’ such as blueberries and pomegranate, dark chocolate was found to be higher in antioxidants, which are essential for fighting disease and preventing wrinkles. For a healthy treat, it is best to go for a pure dark chocolate as milk, sugar and too much processing can reduce these health benefits.

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Posted by on April 16, 2012 in entertain, health, information


Top 10 worst food and drink world records

10 unhealthy world records you shouldn’t try at home

Food and drink world records are amongst the most hotly contested record breaking feats, with people all around the world trying to do things quicker, bigger, and taller than those before them. If you want to see the worst that the record books have to offer then take a look at this list of 10 highly unhealthy food and drink world records that we definitely don’t recommend you try at home.

Most ‘ghost chillis’ eaten in two minutes

The Bhut Jolokia pepper, better known as the ‘ghost chilli’ is one of the hottest chillis in the world, coming in at just over one million on the Scoville scale for chilli heat; 200 times more spicy than a jalapeño pepper.  Most people can’t even manage one of these deadly peppers without diving for a glass of water, but Indian woman Anandita Dutta Tamuly managed to eat an astounding 51 of them in two minutes. As if that wasn’t crazy enough already, she bizarrely ‘celebrated’ by rubbing the seeds of the chilli into her eyes when she had completed the challenge.

Biggest gingerbread house

With a confectionary construction effort that would put the witch from Hansel and Gretel to shame, Roger Pelcher entered the record books by building the largest gingerbread house the world has ever seen. The house, which should probably be described as more of a mansion, is 20 metres (67 feet) tall and took Roger and his team nine days to build.

Largest burger

The title of World’s Largest Burger is a frequently broken one that has been held all around the world, but at the time of writing the holders are ‘Juicys’, an outdoor food specialist who set the record at Alameda County Fair in California. This beast of a burger weighed in at a staggering 352kg (777 pounds) and had to be moved around with a fork lift truck. At 1,375,000 calories, an adult man could get his recommended daily calorie intake from this cow-sized burger for nearly a year and a half.

Fattest town

The town of Huntington in West Virginia holds the rather unfortunate title of being the most overweight town in the USA, which itself is one of the fattest countries in the world. Strangely, the town’s 105kg (233 pounds) ex-mayor said that the health of Huntington’s residents is an issue that “doesn’t really come up.” It probably should though, considering over half of the town’s population are clinically obese, and they lead the way in national rates of heart disease and diabetes.

Largest bowl of cereal

Breakfast cereal company Kellogg’s set the world record for largest bowl of cereal by creating a mammoth 2.5 metre (eight feet) wide bowl and filling it with over a tonne of cornflakes and milk. Apparently this was to raise awareness of the fact that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, although they may have gone slightly over the top by creating a bowl of cornflakes so huge that you could easily swim around in it.

Fastest ice cream eating

Peter Dowdeswell does not mess around when it comes to eating and drinking world records, with around 350 of them to his name. Perhaps the most impressive of all those records is the insane feat of eating 5.45kg (12 pounds) of ice cream in only 45 seconds. Wondering how he managed that without the world’s most severe case of brain freeze? The ice cream was ‘partly thawed’ meaning this record probably blurred the lines between eating and drinking.

Largest cup of coffee

We’ve all relied on a cup of coffee to give us a much needed kick start in the morning, but drink the contents of this mammoth mug and you’d be wide awake for the foreseeable future. Made in Puerto Rico to promote the country’s coffee industry, the cup held over 10,000 litres (2,750 gallons) of the hot stuff, enough to serve 50,000 people.

Fastest syrup drinker

Speed drinking is one thing, but surely something like syrup is too thick to consume quickly? Apparently not. Ohio resident Dan Petty drank a 700ml (24 oz) bottle of syrup in 11.24 seconds, smashing the previous record by almost 10 seconds and probably feeling pretty queasy in the process.

Tallest stack of pancakes

The staff of the UK based ‘Food Network’ TV channel broke the world record for tallest pancake stack by just 3 inches (7cm) when they built a tower that reached 32 inches (81cm) tall. The huge stack was made with over 250 eggs and 26 pints of milk, resulting in 725 individual pancakes. That must have taken a lot of syrup to cover – hopefully they didn’t invite Dan Petty…

Most Hostess Cupcakes eaten in a lifetime

You’d think if someone ate something literally every day of their life they’d eventually get sick of it, but that is definitely not the case for Florida resident Suzanne Rutland. She claims to have eaten four Hostess Cupcakes every day of her life since she was a child, which by her estimates adds up to over 50,000 of the cream filled cakes in her lifetime. Strangely Suzanne isn’t even overweight, despite those four Cupcakes alone adding up to 720 calories every day.

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Posted by on April 16, 2012 in entertain, health, information


9 Makanan Terburuk untuk Dikonsumsi

Kami tidak mengatakan, makanan-makanan di bawah ini tidak boleh lagi Anda konsumsi. Tetapi berusahalah menghindari makanan di bawah ini dalam menu Anda, jika Anda ingin mempertahankan nutrisi dan menurunkan berat badan.

1. Pencuci mulut yang digoreng

Pada dasarnya makanan pencuci mulut sudah memiliki kadar lemak dan gula yang tinggi. Jadi bayangkan betapa buruknya jika dihidangkan dengan cara digoreng. Dan jangan terlena dengan pisang goreng atau nanas goreng mentang-mentang buah. Karena dibuat dengan adonan pembungkus dan sirup, mereka adalah pencuci mulut yang buruk.

2. Makanan yang digoreng dan berlapis keju

Pada dasarnya, semua gorengan buruk bagi kesehatan. Jadi jika kentang goreng dilapisi keju, tentu makanan ini masuk dalam daftar paling buruk untuk dikonsumsi. Keju biasanya mengandung lemak 10 kali lebih bayak dari ikan dan daging putih. Apalagi ditambah karbohidrat goreng.

3. Minuman bersoda

Minuman ringan dan soda buruk bagi kesehatan karena mengandung banyak kalori, meskipun dikonsumsi dalam jumlah kecil. Berdasarkan hasil studi, minuman bersoda dapat meningkatkan risiko kerapuhan tulang alias osteoporosis, sakit gigi, dan serangan jantung. Selain itu, minuman-minuman diet juga tidak direkomendasikan karena berpotensi meningkatkan risiko erosi gigi (karena gelembung-gelembung dalam minuman itu bersifat masam).

4. Alcopop berwarna

Alcopop adalah minuman yang mengandung alkohol dengan kadar 4-7 persen. Alcopop mengandung kalori yang tinggi, karena mengandung gula dan alkohol berkalori. Ditambah lagi, minuman itu penuh pewarna dan perasa, yang membuatnya menjadi minuman yang cukup beracun. Panduan yang cukup praktis adalah, semakin cerah warna alcopop, maka semakin buruklah minuman itu untuk dikonsumsi.

5. Makanan cair

Oke, makanan cair memang tidak selalu buruk, namun makanan cair atau minuman makanan pengganti dapat menjauhkan Anda dari mengonsumsi makanan yang tepat. Makanan pengganti mungkin akan lebih cocok dikonsumsi orang yang sedang sakit, namun jangan biarkan makanan semacam itu menggantikan makanan alami.

6. Daging olahan

Daging olahan punya nama lain “daging misteri”, karena tidak jelas apa yang terkandung di dalamnya. Namun satu hal yang pasti, jika daging olahan itu dikemas dalam kaleng dan jenis dagingnya tidak jelas, maka daging tersebut tidak baik bagi tubuh. Berusahalah untuk menghindari sosis dan salami, karena hasil olahan dengan lemak dan garam.

7. Chicken nugget

Chicken nugget hampir sama dengan sosis, yakni berasal dari daging sisa dicampur dengan tepung. Dan saat nugget-nugget kecil itu digoreng, maka akan meningkatkan levelnya sebagai makanan terburuk untuk dikonsumsi. Sepotong kecil nugget yang digoreng menyerap lebih banyak lemak dari hasil penggorengan itu.

8. Donat

Jika ada satu makanan yang melambangkan makanan junk food abad ke-21, itu adalah donat. Baik dilapisi, diisi, dikilapkan dengan gula dan selai, atau yang polos sekalipun, makanan ini tidak baik bagi tubuh. Bukan hanya sekedar masalah tepung halus dan gula halus, namun makanan ini juga digoreng dalam minyak sulingan. Donat akan mengganggu keseimbangan gula darah Anda, dan dapat mempercepat proses pembakaran, sehingga Anda akan cepat merasa lapar lagi.

9. Sup Kaleng

Sup memang bukan makanan yang buruk dan tidak layak dibandingkan dengan makanan-makanan di atas. Namun jika sudah berbicara mengenai garam dan makanan kemasan, maka tentu saja sup kaleng masuk daftar. Akan jauh lebih baik bila Anda memasak sup sendiri. Bukan kalengan.

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Posted by on April 16, 2012 in health, information


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